Saturday, January 7, 2012

the Effects Behind the Poker Face

All kinds of intimidation should be unacceptable. But the type of harassment you are reading about now is known as the worst one : SOCIAL BULLYING.

Why is it so terrible? It’s mainly cause victims carry the impacts ALL THEIR LIFE. Some of them have problems with their low-esteem all the time even when they grow up. Young victims at the primary level o secondary level may drop out of school for not being focused on the class but on the other bullying them. A lot of parents suffer from depression or anxiety (victims also) cause they are so worried about failing to protect their child. And you know what’s worse?...It can slowly grow to suicide. Tae as an example the teenager who killed herself in November 2011. Is this seriously what we are now? All a big group of kids being overlooked? And if it’s not suicide, victims would do anything to “please” the bully like take drugs, drink alcohol, change looks or pay them to stop.

It’s one thing to know bullying is bad but we can all make a change. Think about how you would feel if it was you or someone you loved being marginalised. Bullying is NOT an option. 

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